Smart911 / Alert Santa Fe

Smart911 is a free, nationwide registry that provides first responders with information about your special needs in the event of a medical emergency.  When you create a personal account at, you will be prompted to upload a personal profile which gives medical personnel and firefighters an idea of your health needs and home environment.

For example, are you diabetic?  How many people live in your household?  Are they all able-bodied or will some need assistance with walking or driving in the event an evacuation order if placed in effect?  Do you have family pets living with you?  Is oxygen being used in your home, or do you have implanted medical devices like pacemakers?  Are you allergic to any medications?

The system is called Smart911 because when you dial 911, the County dispatch center will notify the ambulance crew or other first responders of your special circumstances.  You decide how much detail you want to share, but this kind of data can help them be better prepared to assist you and your loved ones.

In Santa Fe County, Smart911 is paired with a similar service called Alert Santa Fe.  Alert Santa Fe allows you to receive notifications by text or email regarding extreme weather conditions, wildfire activity in the region, hazardous waste spills or traffic blockages, Amber Alerts and other flagged activity.  Again, you can decide whether to receive these notices and in what form.  By creating an account with Smart911, you will automatically have an opportunity to sign up for Alert Santa Fe, if you wish.